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Browse Umbrella Project

An umbrella project provides an organizational structure to a large collaborative project and group projects related via funding or submitting sources or collaboration.
The umbrella project is created upon the request of the submitter, a funding agency, or by KOBIC staff to group multiple projects that are part of a large initiative or collaboration or funding source.
Umbrella projects is indirectly connected to data through the linked primary submission projects.
For example, Umbrella projects reflect the general organizational structure of the Korea Post-Genome Project.
If you have any questions about umbrella project(s), please contact us: data@kobic.re.kr.

There are a total of 1 data registered in the " Umbrella project"

  • Umbrella Project ID : KAU200000
  • Registration Date : 2020-10-16
  • Umbrella Title : Korea Post-Genome Project
  • Description : Korea Post-Genome Project has launched to achieve the following aims: 1. Development of diagnostic methods enabling precision medicine; 2. Development of bioresources facilitating genome information of animal, plant, marine species; 3. Establishment of the standard protocol for genome analysis technology; and 4. Collaboration between government ministries to study disease mechanism, host-microbe interaction, and human reference genome as well as cowork with global consortium and train experts in genomics and bioinformatics

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